Terri was off Thanksgiving week and I was feeling better so it was almost like a return to normalcy for us that week. We had our last raking party of the fall to finish up all of the outdoor work around the house and I want to thank everyone who came for the parties to help out Terri and me. From what I can tell a good time was had by all and the food was delicious! Brats and homemade German potato salad and taffy apple salad! Yum!
Bob and the bird feeders |
Terri and Wes by the front door |
Clear but cold |
Terri and I spent the first part of the week up in MI, just relaxing and getting the house ready for the holidays and for winter. Enjoyed watching all the birds come to the feeders, including cardinals, blue jays, red-headed woodpeckers, and chickadees, and was glad to get some long-awaited electrical work done so the house will be a little brighter during the long dark winter months. Even enjoyed a walk on the beach, although it was a little on the cold and windy side.
I was asked by the pastor of our MI church to speak about thankfulness at the Thanksgiving service while we were there. At first I was thrown by the request but the more I thought about it the more I thought I have much to be thankful for, especially when I think of the large and strong support group of family and friends that surround me. Thank you so much for all you have done, especially your good wishes and your prayers. They have meant so much to me during this challenging time of uncertainty.
Grandpa Bob and Anna |
Grandmor and Anna |
All smiles |
Thanksgiving was a wonderful time filled with good food and good times--just like in past years. The whole family, which this year included our little granddaughter Anna with her mom and dad, Katie and Andrew, was here for a traditional dinner with all the fixings. Terri outdid herself! She and I had not seen Anna since September so we were thrilled to have her here for 3 days. She was a perfect little angel, happy to be with Grandmor and Grandpa Bob and Auntie Liz and Uncle Mike. She was all smiles and slept well at night. We must have worn her out with all we did. We all had fun watching football, Christmas shopping, picking out and putting up the Christmas tree, going out for brunch, and playing games. We have much to be thankful for.
I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving as well.
Great pictures Dad. It was great to be home for a few days and the perfect first Thanksgiving for Anna. There is definitely a lot to be thankful for and to celebrate. Hopefully this was the first of many more "normal" weeks to come". See you this weekend