Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016
Celebrating Christmas at Grandmor & Grandpa Bob's

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stem Cell Transplant Day 2014--Day 0

Sunrise over Lake Michigan
Moonrise over Lake Michigan

If the beginning and end of the day were any sign, God is watching over us today. The photos don't do any justice to either the sun rising over Lake Michigan this morning or the moon rising over the lake this evening. They were both phenomenal as seen from my hospital window. And the stem cell transplant seemed to go quite well too. I'll try to have more on that tomorrow. Just know that they transplanted back approximately 6.6 million stem cells harvested from me in 2011. And slowly they will rebuild my immune system. I still feel fairly good, but the real test will come around days 4-7 from today's transplant when the side effects from yesterday's chemo blast kick in and my immune system is at its lowest. As I recall and as the doctors and hospital staff keep reminding me, I'll feel quite crummy so don't be surprised if you don't hear much if anything from me on those days. In the meantime, please continue to pray and hope with us for the best--remission.


  1. Bob, I'm thinking about you and praying for you on this journey. And looking forward to lunch and a movie when you are able. We have a lot of catching up to do! All the best, my friend. --Tim
