Two days down, two days to go for the chemo infusion! It shoud finish
up sometime on Sunday. Then it will be time for the crash of my immune
system and its recovery--about another 14 days of waiting time until it has stabilized and I can leave the hospital.
Everything is
proceeding as normal except I was moved to another room, due to hospital
policy. Same view just a lot more constricted. One plus is that the smaller room is much more functional when I am hooked up to the IV pole. Much less unplugging of the cord and tying up the lines to get something I need. But I do miss the windows, the sunlight, and the broader view they provide. Otherwise no side effects yet from the chemo, appetite good, sleeping well, medical staff excellent.
Andrew is arriving today from Minnesota for the weekend and daughter
Elizabeth stops by before and/or after work as a transport nurse at
Lurie's Children's Hospital next door. It's always good to see them! Both
bring gifts from the grandkids which is always fun and heartwarming,
too. And, of course, I am always glad to see Terri who comes down each
day to see me, play gin rummy or solitaire, and share some meals together.
Their support and yours are what keep me pushing forward each day to get
to a place where I can enjoy a relatively normal life again. Even
though I don't have a chance to respond to your replies and good wishes (a
lot goes on in a hospital day with many people in and out), I do
enjoy getting them. Please don't hesitate to respond.
Hooray! So glad to hear that you ditched your IV pole!!!! Sounds like you and Terri had a great weekend with Elizabeth and Andrew!