Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016
Celebrating Christmas at Grandmor & Grandpa Bob's

Monday, May 8, 2017

Infusion Complete

Quality Family Time at the Hospital

Yesterday (Sunday) was a special day--I parted ways with my IV pole. The infusion was complete! What a delight after pulling it around for 4 days. Now I just need to wait and let the chemo do it's thing. My immune system will crash and then rebuild itself over the next week and a half. A period of waiting on my part with some lows and highs in how I feel. I am hoping more highs than lows but whatever it takes to get to the end with the hopes that it is successful in controlling the lesions in my bones.
It was a wonderful weekend as Andrew flew down from Minnesota to spend some time with Terri and me in the hospital. And Elizabeth was able to come over from her job as a transport nurse at Lurie's Children's Hospital so we could all be together for some quality family time as of old. What fun!

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